CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

The Dudley Square Vision Project (“Dudley Vision”) was launched by Mayor Thomas M. Menino on June 9, 2007, and is comprised of three key elements real estate development through the creation of two new state of the art municipal buildings as well as renovations for another; programmatic development to enhance and build upon the strengths of this thriving commercial district; and community engagement.

Essential areas of focus included:

  • Real Estate Development (Municipal Projects): As a result of the Dudley Vision Project, this vibrant neighborhood will see a new Area B-2 Police Station, a new Municipal Services Building in Dudley Square; renovations to the existing Dudley Square Library, and the creation of a new development site on Dudley Street for mixed-use commercial/retail and active ground floor uses

  • Programmatic Development: Sustaining this investment by the Menino administration will require a comprehensive review of aspects related to neighborhood development of this magnitude. Consideration will be given, and a proposed strategic action plan created for specific areas to include but not be limited to: Retail: Supporting existing businesses and merchants, working with Dudley Main Streets; and coordinating efforts to attract the goods and services that are in demand for this neighborhood. This will also entail the creation of a comprehensive Retail Strategy to enhance this commercial district. Transportation: Creation of an action plan for short-, medium-, and long-term improvements that will support and manage vehicular and pedestrian traffic as development takes place in Dudley Square and the surrounding area. Jobs: An examination of the needs of job seekers in the area, a review and education around existing municipal and privately managed programs to support those looking to gain access to construction jobs (during development) and permanent jobs. Environment: Coordination of and communication regarding the site preparation activity associated with developments in Dudley Square.

  • Community Engagement: In keeping with other City of Boston economic development planning initiatives, the Dudley Vision Project will engage the community and various stakeholders in review and advice with regard to the aforementioned areas of focus. This will include the creation of a Dudley Vision Advisory Task Force.



Members of the Dudley Vision Advisory Task Force (“the Task Force”) will serve in an advisory capacity and provide community perspective on issues related to the programmatic goals and outcome of this Project.


The Dudley Vision Advisory Task Force is responsible to:

  1. Advise the City of Boston Dudley Working Group relative to planning and economic development issues and to participate in the creation of the Dudley Square Vision Strategic Action Plan
  2. Serve as a resource to the Project Team through informational review of materials set forth as part of the Dudley Vision Project and participation in regular working sessions as needed; and
  3. Provide community representation through active participation in public meetings in addition to communication about the goals, direction and progress of the Dudley Vision with particular focus to the creation of an action plan for Retail, Transportation, Jobs and Environment.


Task Force Activity, Projects, and Management:

Projects for which the Advisory Task Force will provide input will include in succession based on the proposed schedule for Dudley Vision Project activity to date:

  1. New Area B-2 Police Station. The primary focus for the task force upon its formation. This will include design process and review prior to construction;
  2. New Municipal Building. The scope of activity will be similar to that proposed for the Area B-2 Police Station work;
  3. Proposed Dudley Square Library Exterior Renovations. This will also include design process and review; and
  4. New Dudley Square Developable Site. As with other parcels which have fallen under the rubric of RSMPOC structure, the Task Force, at the discretion of the ROC, will guide creation of the Request for Proposals, providing recommendations for RFP components, designation of developer and review of proposed project once determined.


Dudley Vision - Land Preparation at Former Modern Electroplating Site

The City of Boston/BRA engaged North American Site Developers, Inc. (“NASDI”) as primary contractor for this building demolition and site remediation project. The team led by NASDI along with Weston & Sampson Engineers Inc. – serving as primary environmental engineering consultant – will begin setting the stage for removing the building at the Modern Site and preparing the land on which portions of the new Area B-2 Police Station and the Dudley Mixed-Use Development Site will exist.

Preparation activity included:

  • Establishing a “Project Site Office Trailer” which will house a community officer/staff to handle questions/inquiries
  • Installation of fencing, mesh fabric, etc, around project area

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