CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Article 54, Section 15 establishes the Freedom Trail Neighborhood Design Overlay District (NDOD) as an overlay to residential and commercial subdistricts within the North End Neighborhood District. The Freedom Trail Neighborhood Design Overlay District is established to protect the existing scale of the area, the quality of the pedestrian environment, the character of the residential/commercial mixed-use neighborhoods, and the concentrations of historic buildings within the area.

Per Article 80E-2.1(b)(iii): Design review has been triggered due to one or more of the following:

  • Change in roof shape, cornice line, street wall height, or building height of an existing building;
  • Erection/extension of a building > 300 or more s.f.;Commented [9]: no website
  • Change in building massing or size/location of door or window openings, where such alteration affects three hundred (300) or more square feet of exterior wall area, or a smaller exterior wall area if expressly provided in the underlying zoning.

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