CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Bostonโ€™s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

PLAN: Mattapan Adopted Plan & Executive Summary

PLAN: Mattapan is a City planning initiative that seeks to craft an equitable, community-driven future for Mattapan. PLAN: Mattapan was adopted by the BPDA Board on May 11, 2023. It’s associated zoning recommendations have also been approved by the Zoning Commission. An executive summary of PLAN: Mattapan and its recommendations is also available below.

Final Plan Documents

Updates on Implementing PLAN: Mattapan


This storymap provides the residents of Mattapan with a “progress report” on major public investments the City of Boston is making in their neighborhood. It’s organized around six major categories of investment, including Housing, Mobility, Parks & Greenspace, Jobs & Businesses, Arts & Culture, and Public Facilities. The City is guided in its work by the priorities articulated by Mattapan residents as part of PLAN: Mattapan.

As part of the Squares + Streets Zoning Engagement, the BPDA held a virtual public meeting on January 17, 2024, where multiple City departments presented on their work that advances PLAN: Mattapan. Representatives from the following departments were present: Mayor’s Office of Housing, Transportation Department, Public Works Department, Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion, Environment, Office of Green Infrastructure, and Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture.

Here is an excerpt from that meeting where each department talked about their ongoing capital projects, programs, and policies that implement PLAN: Mattapan.

Summary & Goals

Guided by a multi-year participatory process that launched in 2018, PLAN: Mattapan lays out a carefully considered, comprehensive vision that aligns future growth and investment with community values and identity.

Over the course of more than 150 community meetings, Mattapan residents and community stakeholders worked alongside the planning team to craft a vision and goals for their neighborhood’s future and establish recommendations for how to achieve these goals.

PLAN: Mattapan envisions a future where:

  • Existing Mattapan residents are stable in their homes and new residents have affordable housing options
  • Mattapan residents have safe and reliable transit connections to jobs, schools, and community spaces in Mattapan and throughout Boston
  • Mattapan Square and other neighborhood nodes are home to vibrant, thriving local businesses and cultural spaces that reflect the needs of residents and uphold neighborhood identity

PLAN: Mattapan has worked, and will continue to work closely with the community to review past planning efforts, and identify needs and opportunities for improvements which will support the long-term equitable growth and sustainability of the neighborhood. Focuses will include, though are not limited to, economic development (jobs and business) and the creation of transit-oriented market-rate and affordable housing growth while preserving the neighborhood’s character and unique attributes.

Learn more about our most recent engagement, and our 2018–2021 engagement. For updates and notifications on PLAN: Mattapan, please sign up for our email list under “Stay Connected” found in the toolbar.

The BPDA is planning to deliver new zoning to fulfill the plan recommendations within the next year as part of the citywide squares and corridors initiative and as part of a specialized zoning feasibility study focused on neighborhood residential areas in Mattapan to address ADUs.

Squares + Streets Zoning

Latest Updates

Finalized Draft Zoning Amendment

Staff is pleased to share a finalized draft zoning amendment and finalized draft zoning maps to implement the “Corridor Recommendations” and “Node Recommendations” from PLAN: Mattapan. Comments from both the Citywide Squares + Streets Zoning process as well as the Mattapan Squares + Streets Zoning process have been incorporated into the finalized draft zoning amendment.

The Finalized Draft Squares + Streets Zoning Text Amendment introduces five new zoning districts for mixed-use and commercial areas of the City that are well-served by transit. Mattapan is the first neighborhood where these districts will be mapped because of the recently completed PLAN: Mattapan process. These new zoning districts include updated land use and dimensional regulations to fulfill the vision and goals identified in PLAN: Mattapan, which includes encouraging vibrant, thriving local businesses and cultural spaces throughout Mattapan Square and other neighborhood centers. Squares + Streets Zoning allows for a mix of building uses and heights, creates housing growth opportunities, and encourages active streets and storefronts.

You can use the links below to access the Finalized Draft Squares + Streets Zoning Text Amendment, the Finalized Draft Mattapan Zoning Maps, the Finalized Draft Mattapan Neighborhood Article 60 Amendment, and associated guides to help walk you through the documents.

Public Comment Period

The comment period on the Draft Squares + Streets Zoning Amendment for Mattapan was open from December 5, 2023 to January 28, 2024. You can access a compilation of the public feedback along with responses from Staff below.

Squares + Streets Zoning Timeline

Zoning analysis, drafting, and adoption timeline graphic

Analysis + Evaluation Period:

  • Analyze existing building uses and development trends in Boston’s Squares + Streets areas to inform the new zoning districts.
  • Share and gather feedback on the initial analysis at a public meeting with Boston residents and at small workshops with direct users of the Zoning Code – community development corporations, small scale developers, designers, and the Inspectional Services Department (ISD).

Drafting, Public Comment + Revision Period:

  • Write the draft zoning text amendment to propose the new zoning districts based on feedback from the evaluation period.
  • Share the draft zoning text amendment at a public meeting and hold a public comment period to gather feedback. Hold virtual office hours for interested parties to ask Zoning Reform staff questions about the amendment. Share the revised draft zoning text amendment at a public meeting based on public comments.

Zoning Adoption Period:

  • Present to the BPDA Board for approval to petition the Zoning Commission on adopting the zoning text amendment. Present to the Zoning Commission for adoption of the zoning text amendment into the Zoning Code.

Residential Zoning

Latest Updates

The Planning team is pleased to share the draft zoning amendment text for Article 60, the article of the zoning code for the Greater Mattapan Neighborhood. This draft zoning amendment, available below, includes proposed changes to Mattapan’s residential zoning code that will align zoning regulations with Mattapan’s existing character, support new housing opportunities through the allowance of two and three-unit infill development, and allow homeowners to build Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), including as new attached and detached structures.

The residential zoning amendment was approved by the BPDA Board on December 14, 2023. Next, there will be a public hearing on the draft zoning at the Boston Zoning Commission meeting on January 10, 2024. Comments are accepted up until January 10th and also at the public hearing. You may submit feedback here.

The draft residential zoning was released on November 9th, 2023, officially launching a three-week comment period. Additionally, the Planning Team held virtual zoning office hours on November 13 and 27, 2023.

On October 25, 2023, the BPDA hosted a public meeting on proposed changes to Mattapan’s residential zoning code. The meeting presentation and recording are available to view on the calendar event.

Feedback on Code Guidance

The Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Code Guidance is meant to explain visually and in plain language common building code and fire code requirements that impact design and construction of attached and detached ADUs. Our goal is that this information may help homeowners considering ADUs understand what type of ADU can work best on their property. You can review the draft ADU Code Guidelines here. A final document will be released by the end of the year.

PLAN: Mattapan Appendices

Existing Conditions Report

The Existing Conditions Report summarizes the comprehensive research that the planning team did to better understand Mattapan's past and present. The data and analysis within this report, alongside community feedback, shed light on strengths and challenges within the neighborhood, informing the recommendations found in final PLAN.

A Guide to PLAN: Mattapan’s Transportation Planning and the Development Review Process

Through the PLAN: Mattapan process, community members shared that it was difficult to understand their role and ability to influence the Article 80 process related to transportation improvements and mitigation, as well as other City and state transportation projects. This guide is part of a larger initiative to build a more inclusive planning process and ensure plans and their implementations reflect the perspectives of a diverse group of stakeholders. It seeks to explain and illustrate government processes and equip residents, workers, and small business owners of Mattapan with planning concepts so they are able to better navigate and participate in these initiatives.

PLAN: Mattapan Public Art Project

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”) commissioned temporary murals in the Mattapan neighborhood. As a part of the PLAN: Mattapan initiative, the PLAN: Mattapan Public Art Project supports the creation of temporary public art in the Mattapan neighborhood. Two public art projects were completed as a part of this effort:


1. Partnership with the Mattapan Teen Center

The Mattapan Teen Center was identified as a recipient of the funds because of their past experience working with youth to produce art. The murals were produced in collaboration with youth artists on the exterior of the Mattapan Teen Center. The mural was completed and unveiled on May 14, 2021. To see photos of the mural, including its process, visit the Mattapan Teen Center Instagram account.

2. Carter Post at 1531 Blue Hill Avenue

Local artist Jeremy “Sobek” Harrison was awarded $15,000 to create a mural at the Carter Post at 1531 Blue Hill Avenue. The mural was completed and unveiled on October 1, 2021.

Upcoming Engagement

There are no upcoming engagement opportunities scheduled at this time.

Past Engagement

Most Recent Engagement

Mattapan Squares + Streets Zoning Final Public Meeting

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

The BPDA Planning Team presented the final draft zoning text amendment and final draft zoning maps for Squares + Streets zoning districts in Mattapan. Staff shared revisions and updates made to the final draft zoning amendments and maps based on feedback received during the public comment period, community office hours, and other engagement events.

Presentation | Recording

Mattapan Squares + Streets Draft Zoning | Business and Property Owners

[In-Person, Mattapan Community Health Center] Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

The BPDA Planning Team and the Mayor's Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion led a conversation about what the draft Squares + Streets zoning means for you as a business, property owner, or resident. We discussed what new zoning can enable for commercial uses and what opportunities exist to make the most of your business or property. Staff from other City departments were also there to answer questions, including the Licensing Department, the Inspectional Services Department, Mayor’s Office of Housing, and BPDA Development Review.


Mattapan Squares + Streets Draft Zoning Recommendations Public Meeting

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The BPDA Planning Team led a conversation about the Draft Squares + Streets Zoning for Mattapan. In addition to presenting the Draft Squares + Streets Zoning, staff from other City departments discussed ongoing projects and efforts that implement PLAN: Mattapan. These departments included the Transportation Department, Public Works, Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, Mayor’s Office of Housing, Mayor’s Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion, Environment Department, and the Office of Green Infrastructure.

Presentation | Recording | Zoom Chat Log

Mattapan | Squares + Streets Zoning | Virtual Office Hours

PLAN: Mattapan Zoning Updates - Residential Zoning Closeout, Squares + Streets Zoning Update

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

This meeting touched on two important updates to Mattapan’s zoning code! We discussed steps for new residential zoning that will support more housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units. Second, we discussed zoning for Mattapan’s mixed-use and commercial areas as part of the Squares + Streets initiative.

Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Recording

Mattapan Squares + Streets Draft Zoning Recommendations Public Meeting

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | 6:00 PM–8:00 PM

This meeting focused on proposed zoning for Squares + Streets areas of Mattapan. Squares + Streets are areas of activity within neighborhood centers and along main streets. The specific geographic areas that will be impacted by this updated zoning were identified as part of the "Corridor Recommendations" and "Node Recommendations" sections of PLAN: Mattapan.

Presentation | Recording

Draft Residential Zoning Public Meeting

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | 6:00 PM–7:30 PM

This was a public meeting about draft residential zoning that will support more plentiful housing opportunities throughout Mattapan, as well as enable Additional Dwelling Units.

Presentation | Recording

Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) Public Meeting

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 6:00 PM–7:30 PM

This was a public meeting to inform attendees of what the BPDA and the City have been doing to support the construction of backyard ADUs following the passage of PLAN: Mattapan. This includes work to update zoning to make it feasible to build ADUs and to share financial programming from the City.

PLAN: Mattapan recommends allowing backyard ADUs. ADUs can provide extra income if they are rented out to family or friends and create generational wealth in Black and Latino communities. Eventually implementing ADUs citywide will also allow more diverse housing options for households that may require less space, such as seniors or young, single adults.

Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Recording

PLAN: Mattapan Final Overview & Discussion

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 | 6:00 PM–7:30 PM

Presentation | Presentación | Prezantasyon | Recording

PLAN: Mattapan Draft Release - Public Meeting

Thursday, October 20, 2022 | 6:00 PM–7:30 PM

Presentation | Feedback and Notes | Recording

PLAN: Mattapan Report at the GMNC Monthly Meeting

Monday, October 3, 2022 | 6:30 PM–8:00 PM

The PLAN: Mattapan team attended Greater Mattapan Neighborhood Council’s October monthly meeting to unveil the Draft of PLAN: Mattapan. Attendees learned about some of the high-level aspects of PLAN: Mattapan and its recommendations organized in three geographic types: Nodes, Corridors, and Residential Fabric. The presentation of the Draft of PLAN: Mattapan was followed by a question & answer session.

Presentation - English | Presentación Lanzamiento Preliminar para GMNC - Espanol | Prezantasyon Piblikayson Pwoje GMNC - Kreyol Ayisyen | Feedback and Notes | Recording

2018–2021 Engagement

The BPDA hosted the Open House Kick-Off for PLAN: Mattapan at the Mildred Ave Community Center in October 2018. Along with nearly 60 community members, this public meeting marked the beginning of creating a long term (10–20 year) plan and vision for Mattapan. Over the course of the following year, these conversations continued between the BPDA and engaged Mattapan residents, at nearly 10 public meetings. Two very important parts of the PLAN were determined from these meetings. First was the identification of 5 main themes that were determined to be worth studying in more detail: Jobs & Businesses, Open Space & Climate Resilience, Neighborhood Identity, Housing, and Mobility. The other important result of these conversations with the community was the creation of a vision statement to guide PLAN: Mattapan.

After nearly 4 years of process and over 100 engagements with the community, the PLAN: Mattapan team released its Draft of PLAN: Mattapan. The vision state was a driving force behind the recommendations in the document. However, PLAN: Mattapan is a flexible working plan, which holds the community’s values at its forefront and presents adaptable strategies of implementation for Mattapan’s future.

Click the meeting title below for more information and for all associated meeting materials.

Documents All Documents ยป

Share Your Thoughts

We want to hear from you! All questions, comments and ideas are welcome. Comments are received and reviewed by members of the PLAN: Mattapan team.

To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email [email protected].
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