CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

The City of Boston Environment Department has updated the BERDO Emissions Factors List (August 2024) which now includes accounting for the emissions benefits of the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) for Electric Grid energy use. The Factors List includes projected ISO New England electric grid emissions, the Massachusetts RPS, and related calculation formula.

Beginning January 1, 2025, all projects must use the updated BERDO Emissions Factors List for Article 37 Reporting. The updated 2035 Electric Grid Emissions Factor is 97.9 kg / MWh, or 28.7 kg / MBtu of CO2e. Please use these emissions factors for calculating and reporting Building 2035 predicted Carbon Emission Intensity 

Article 37 Green Buildings & Climate Resiliency

Boston Zoning Code Article 37, Green Buildings (Article 37) and the Climate Resiliency Review Policy (Resiliency Policy) ensure that major building projects are planned, designed, constructed, and managed to minimize adverse environmental impacts; conserve natural resources; are resilient to climate change; promote a more sustainable city; and enhance the quality of life in Boston.

In support of the City's resiliency and carbon emissions reduction goals, including Carbon Neutral Boston 2050, projects are required to prepare a carbon neutral building assessment and include Zero Net Carbon strategies in their projects. Please review the Carbon Neutral Building Assessment and A37 Review Procedures and Submittal Requirements documents below for additional details.

Please utilize the Developer Portal to complete the updated Climate Resiliency Checklist, the Sea Level Rise - Flood Hazard Area mapping tool, and Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines in preparing Article 37 project filings.

All proposed projects subject to or electing to comply with Zoning Article 80B, Large Project Review are subject to the requirements of Zoning Article 37 and the Resiliency Policy.

Interagency Green Building Committee

Article 37 establishes the Interagency Green Building Committee (IGBC) to advise the Planning Department and Inspectional Services Department (ISD) on project compliance with the City's green building and climate resiliency policies and requirements. Compliance reviews occur at three project phases: Initial Filing/Pre Board Approval, Design Filing/Building Permit Issuance, and Construction Completion Filing/Certificate of Occupancy Issuance (see Review Procedures and Submittal Requirements). The Planning Department and ISD rely on the IGBC’s review and advice for the approval of projects and the issuance of building and certificates of occupancy permits.

The following documents are provided to guide and assist Development Teams comply with these regulations and policies:

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