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Latest Update

Thank you to everyone who participated in PLAN: Glover’s Corner. This plan was paused during the pandemic and is not being relaunched. While it was not formally approved, we will continue to refer to the foundational work that was completed with the community as guidance and context for future planning and development.

Previous Public Meetings & Presentations

Review of Draft Plan Document Recommendations | May 1, 2019 | At this workshop, members of the public were invited to review and give feedback on draft plan document recommendations.

Preparing for the Draft Plan: Visualizing Building Dimensions and Public Goods | February 27, 2019 | This workshop built upon the PLAN: Glover's Corner November workshop, which evaluated the relation between public goods (affordable housing, infrastructure, and open space) and building dimension. These topics, along with urban design guidelines, have been refined based on input received in November.

Open Space & Environmental Sustainability Workshop | January 16, 2019 | In this workshop, we discussed climate resiliency and open space needs in Glover’s Corner, and the proposed infrastructure to support them.

Jobs & Small Business Deep Dive | January 31, 2019 Morning | We reviewed plan recommendations to support and enhance current job opportunities and commercial enterprises, while ensuring that future businesses contribute to a Glover’s Corner that is sustainable, affordable, and welcoming to all. 

Mobility & Transportation Recommendations | December 6, 2018We discussed current and future transportation needs and the proposed infrastructure to support it. 

Urban Design Scenarios for Glover's Corner | November 8th, 2018 | We heard community feedback on early recommendations and continued to discuss community priorities by presenting several urban design concepts. 

Deep Dive Session - Housing Stabilization | October 22, 2018 |  This second deep dive session on housing was geared to those interested in developing a plan for targeted housing stability programs and services.

Maintaining Affordability in Glover's Corner  | September 20th, 2018 |  We discussed the opportunities and constraints for development to deliver benefits such as open space, new streets and sidewalks, and affordable housing. We had a follow-up deep-dive conversation on September 24th to discuss the model and assumptions for privately-funded, new development.

Neighborhood Character Workshop | July 31, 2018 | We heard your ideas at three different outdoor stations that showed what the area could look like in the future and how we can prepare the neighborhood for climate change. We also talked about neighborhood character, sidewalks, bicycle paths, open space, climate resiliency, and more.

Exploring Housing Ideas Workshop | May 16th | Following the Housing Toolkit Conversation, we had a conversation about your ideas and priorities around housing creation and stabilization in the neighborhood. 

Housing Toolkit Conversation | March 29th | Housing stabilization and creation was the focus of the Housing Toolkit Conversation. Facilitated small groups discussed facts about the neighborhood and learned about the tools the City currently has in place to address displacement and support the creation of new affordable housing. Afterwards, City staff were available to discuss further and answer questions.

PLAN: Glover's Corner Community ConversationJanuary 10th, 2018 | This agenda-setting conversation was an opportunity for residents and neighborhood stakeholders to share ways to better plan together and shape the upcoming conversations about PLAN: Glover's Corner. Visit the event page for workshop materials. 

PLAN: Glover's Corner Mobility & Connectivity Workshop | November 29th, 2017 | The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the existing conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers and establish shared goals and a vision for mobility and connectivity in the Study Area.

Workshop Materials: Presentation - English , Kriolu , Tiếng Việt

PLAN: Glover's Corner Land Use Workshop | October 25th, 2017 | The purpose of the workshop was to have a conversation with the community about the future land uses that would shape a vision for the Study Area.

Workshop Materials: Presentation - English, Kriolu, Tiếng Việt / Workshop Activity - English, Kriolu, Tiếng Việt / Post-Workshop Recap - English, Kriolu,  Tiếng Việt

PLAN: Glover's Corner Planning Workshop | June 28th, 2017 | The purpose of the workshop was to continue the dialogue about planning topics that will shape a shared vision for the future of the Glover's Corner Study Area. The planning team facilitated small group discussions to identify existing neighborhood strengths and weaknesses, as well as future opportunities and threats in the area around topics such as housing, jobs & businesses, neighborhood character, mobility & connectivity, climate resiliency, and open space. 

Workshop Materials: Scanned Feedback / Post-workshop Recap - English, Kriolu, Tiếng Việt

PLAN: Glover's Corner Visioning Workshop | May 18th, 2017 | Participants discussed their vision for the area and worked together in small groups to identify their priorities for the future of the study area. 

Workshop Materials: Presentation / Workshop Open House Boards / Visioning Group Activity and Scanned Feedback / Post-workshop Recap - English, Kriolu, Tiếng Việt

Early Engagement & Inquiry Phase | January 2017 - May 2017

We first launched a Question Campaign to learn about the issues that are important the community. The questions and comments we received helped us begin to shape this initiative.

On March 8th we kicked off PLAN: Glover's Corner with an Open House. We shared information about the PLAN Initiative's goals and objectives, and profiles of the Study Area's geography, households, businesses and mobility infrastructure, as well as history of the area. We asked participants to share their comments with us, as well as what else they would like to know about the Study Area. It was also an opportunity to meet neighbors and the planning team from the BPDA and City of Boston.

On Thursday, May 4th, community members joined BPDA and City of Boston staff for a stroll or bike ride through the study area to get to know the Study Area and continue the dialogue about priorities that will shape the planning study. Community members shared their local knowledge, ideas, concerns and questions with staff.

Engagement Materials: Open House Boards (in English, Kriolu, and Tiếng Việt)

Summary & Goals

PLAN: Glover’s Corner, Dorchester is a comprehensive planning initiative in partnership with the community, staffed by a planning team consisting of an interdepartmental working group from across City departments and State transportation agencies. 

“Preserve, enhance, and grow” are the three lenses by which the study area will be examined to determine a shared vision for the future of Glover’s Corner. Community discussions will focus on guidelines for future development and open space, as well as strategies to enhance existing businesses and residential communities.

The primary goals of this process include:

  • A proactive approach to change in an area that will likely face increasing development pressure.

  • Engagement of community residents, businesses, property owners, non-profits, civic groups, advocates, and various stakeholders through a range of workshops, site visits, and events.

  • Adaptability to the risks associated with climate change.

  • A shared vision that will allow the City and the community to support existing residents and businesses, while improving the planning area.

  • Establishment of new development guidelines to facilitate predictable and appropriate development and community benefits.

  • Creation of an area plan document that will form the basis for new zoning and public investments to guide future growth in a manner that is consistent with the community's vision.

Additional Resources

If you are new to the process, these documents can help you get caught up on PLAN: Glover’s Corner.

  • What We Heard Brochure: This introductory brochure has a map of the Study Area, a recap of early conversations, and contextual neighborhood data
    October 2017 - English , Kriolu Tiếng Việt 
    March 2018 Update - EnglishKrioluTiếng Việt 

  • City Resources: If you or someone you know is currently facing displacement as a resident or business, we have compiled a list of city resources that may help you - EnglishKrioluTiếng Việt

  • Data Handout: We shared a document with data around housing, jobs, and businesses in January. We hope you will read over the document and think of questions and ideas as we continue to plan together. EnglishKrioluTiếng Việt

  • Maps: For our May 2017 Open House, we created boards with maps of the Study Area that show information such as land use, transportation, and open space. Translations are directly on the board. Link to Maps and Data. Interactive maps about current zoning, current owners, and other Assessing data can be found using our Zoning Viewer. 

  • Data Tables: This is an Excel file (read only) of all the data we have presented. 

  • Boston Housing Toolkit Booklet: This booklet provides an overview of how Boston promotes the creation of affordable housing and works to prevent displacement and stabilize residents in their homes. 

Documents All Documents »

Share Your Thoughts

We want to hear from you! All questions, comments and ideas are welcome. Comments are received and reviewed by members of the PLAN: Dorchester Glovers Corner team.

To submit a comment in a language besides English, please email