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PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Progress Report

The BPDA released a PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue (‘PLAN: Dot Ave’ or ‘the Plan’) Progress Report in 2023 that illustrates Board Approved, under construction, and completed development and associated mitigation in the PLAN: Dot Ave study area. This report, which takes the form of a Storymap with charts, graphics, and interactive maps, is meant to update the community on how approved and constructed development to-date has contributed to realizing key recommendations of the land use and transportation plans that were finalized in 2016 and 2021. This report does not propose new recommendations or suggest modifications to the Plan in any way. The Storymap is broken up into 3 sections - Introduction, Land Use, and Transportation.

The projects included in the Storymap include those that began their review process during and after the first Plan was completed in December 2016. There is also a selection of sub-Article 80 projects from December 2017 to the present included in the land use section, which illustrate a smaller scale of neighborhood change. This report serves as a guidepost for project reviewers at the City to continue to apply the Plan’s recommendations to all proposed projects under review in the PLAN: Dot Ave study area.

New PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Transportation Plan Website

There is a newly released website page dedicated to the PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Transportation Plan that includes the Adopted Plan released in 2021, a summary of past public engagement, and the Existing Conditions report.


The PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Planning Initiative began in 2015 as a comprehensive effort involving the community, an Advisory Group, and a planning team consisting of an interdepartmental working group from across City departments and state transportation agencies. “Preserve, enhance, and grow” were the three lenses by which the study area was viewed to determine how to create an appropriate planning vision. Community discussions exploring conceptual height and density buildouts, open space concepts, and a new street network to connect the district to the surrounding South Boston neighborhood and beyond now form the physical framework for the Adopted Plan.

In addition to recommendations for further transportation analysis as an outcome of the 2016 Plan, which resulted in the adoption of the 2021 PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Transportation Plan, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department has been following up on open space recommendations to undertake a Vision plan for Moakley Park. It is currently conducting public workshops that will redesign the park to accommodate the needs of the South Boston neighborhood and climate resiliency. Please follow the website to keep informed of the open space process and progress for Moakley Park.

Article 80 Projects Within the Plan Area

10 Damrell Street

6 Glover Court

246-248 Dorchester Avenue

270 Dorchester Avenue

323-365 Dorchester Avenue

475-511 Dorchester Avenue

256 Dorchester Street

400 Dorchester Street

142-144 Old Colony Avenue

218-220 Old Colony Avenue

200-204 Old Colony Avenue

232 Old Colony Avenue

235 Old Colony Avenue

267 Old Colony Avenue

33-39 Ward Street

20 West Fifth Street

55 West Fifth Street

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