CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

1252-1270 Boylston Street

Land Sq. Feet
33,585 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
226,700 sq ft
Project Description
Scape Boylston, LLC proposes to build an approximately 226,700 square foot mixed-use programming, comprised of approximately 477 residential rental housing units and an activated ground-floor retail podium fronting on Boylston Street. The Project also includes the ‘Boylston Black Box’, a 10,000-square-foot LGBTQ-centric venue for the performing arts – anchored by a 156-seat theater which will be delivered and operated on a not-for-profit basis.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.

Fenway Large Project