CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

21-35 West Second Street

South Boston
Land Sq. Feet
10,183 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
46,585 sq ft
Project Description
Construction of a new six (6) story mixed-use building with 55 residential units, approximately 2,600 square feet of ground-floor retail space, and an innovative building-managed car share service for residents, in an appropriately designed building along with related improvements in landscaping, site design and pedestrian access that is consistent with the character and housing needs of the surrounding community.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.

South Boston Small Project