CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

3368 Washington Street

Jamaica Plain
Land Sq. Feet
40,200 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
121,840 sq ft
Project Description
Together Pine Street Inn and The Community Builders, Inc., are proposing a five-story, new construction, mixed-use building to serve two populations: the formerly homeless and families with a range of incomes. • The project will consist of an estimated 202 affordable residential units, with 140 units designated for supportive housing for individuals served by PSI. The remaining 62 units will be available to households earning between 60% and 80% of area median income. • The building is presently owned by Pine Street Inn, located at 3368 Washington Street. The existing warehouse facility on site will be demolished and uses temporarily relocated. • Pine Street is undertaking this redevelopment with TCB as its partner. After construction completion, Pine Street Inn will have a new office on-site for its case management staff and will provide intensive support services to the residents of the 140 supportive housing units. TCB will provide the ongoing physical and operational management of the property. • The design, by Boston-based RODE Architects, includes an estimated 16,000 square feet of PSI office space on the ground floor and, community space and amenities for residents. In addition, the plan offers approximately 39 parking spaces for vehicles, bike storage, and 13,400 square feet of outdoor space for residents. • The development team intends to create a separate resident services endowment to assist with providing services to residents in the long-term.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


Jamaica Plain Large Project