CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

MGH Clinical Building

West End
Land Sq. Feet
124,465 sq ft
Gross Floor Area
1,050,450 sq ft
Project Description
The proposed Clinical Building project includes the construction of a new building that will include approximately 1,050,450 square feet of Gross Floor Area. The Proposed Project will be located on land within the MGH Main Campus in downtown Boston bounded generally by Blossom Street to the east, Cambridge Street to the south and North Grove Street and MGH properties to the west and north. The Proposed Project will include new beds and clinical facilities, and result in approximately 94 net new beds following decommissioning of existing beds in older facilities and conversion of existing double beds into single beds. The Proposed Project will have approximately six below grade stories including approximately 977 parking spaces, as well as new bicycle storage.

Project Phase

  • Letter of Intent
  • Under Review
  • Board Approved
  • Under Construction
  • Construction Complete


*DISCLAIMER: The timeline feature displays key milestone dates, documents, events, pictures, and public comment forms related to the selected project. Please note that this new format is a beta version and may not reflect the most up to date information. For further information or general questions, please contact the Project Manager listed above.

West End Large Project