CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

Boston Life Sciences Employment

N/A Neighborhoods

Aug 11 2021 Publication Date

The COVID-19 pandemic and the race to develop a vaccine spotlight the nation’s growing Life Science industry. Boston's highly educated workforce and world-renowned higher education, research, and medical institutions make it one of the leading Life Science hubs in the world. This report profiles the Life Science workforce in Boston.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston's Economy 2021

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Apr 01 2021 Publication Date

This report explores the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Boston's economy.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Boston's Changing Domestic Migration: 1980 to 2016

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Mar 04 2021 Publication Date

This report explores characteristics of Boston's domestic migration, looking at net migration and in and out flows, to understand trends behind Boston's recent population growth.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston at a Glance 2021

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Mar 01 2021 Publication Date

Boston at a Glance is a demographic fact sheet for the city of Boston. The 2021 update uses current U.S. Census data from the American Community Survey including ACS 2019 1-year estimate and ACS 2015-2019 5-year estimates.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston in Context 2021

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Jan 19 2021 Publication Date

Boston in Context tabulates various social, demographic, and economic characteristics from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey by Boston Neighborhood. Citywide totals as well as totals for Massachusetts and the United States are provided for comparison.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Transportation in Boston

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Dec 10 2020 Publication Date

The Transportation in Boston report identifies sources for transportation data by mode, and documents major trends in active transportation, public transportation, automobile travel, and freight. It covers ridership and utilization, costs and investments, and future developments. This report serves as a pre-COVID-19 baseline for analysis going forward.

Topics: Industry Profiles
Boston by the Numbers 2020

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Aug 18 2020 Publication Date

Boston by the Numbers is a report that highlights the characteristics of Boston's population and economy. This report breaks down the population by age group, gender, and nativity. It also looks at Boston's colleges and universities, housing, and land use, using the most recent American Community Survey data.

Topics: Population & Demographics
Boston's Economy 2020: Pre-Pandemic Baseline

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 10 2020 Publication Date

Boston's Economy 2020 report is released during a time of economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time of this report, the full economic impacts of the pandemic are not yet known. This report uses economic data from 2018 and 2019 to create a profile of Boston’s economy prior to the current crisis.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
Early Evidence on the Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Boston

N/A Neighborhoods

Apr 05 2020 Publication Date

This report profiles Boston employment in the industries that saw the largest share and number of unemployment claims statewide March 14-28.

Topics: Economy & Jobs
A Prosperous Boston for All: Community Economic Impact Series

N/A Neighborhoods

Mar 12 2020 Publication Date

Throughout 2019, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development hosted a series of discussions exploring the economic contributions and challenges facing different communities in Boston. The thumbnail image provides a pdf of all the presentations given to date, while the following links provide access to individual community presentations.

Topics: Population & Demographics