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This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

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Downtown Streetscape Design and Wayfinding Program

Sep 05, 2012

The BRA received several proposals for streetscape design standards and a wayfinding program for the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District (BID).  The BRA will begin reviewing the proposals shortly. The BRA seeks to improve:
  • Sidewalk & Roadway Materials
    • Re-envision design standards for sidewalks and roadways to enhance the public realm.  Identify opportunities for new lighting, outdoor cafes, and increased activity in pedestrian gateways and heavily trafficked routes.  Create a public realm that encourages exploration.
  • Pedestrian Zone
    • Create a continuous public-oriented space with seating opportunities, interpretive signage, public art, and outdoor dining.  Energize the zone.  Reinvigorate the look and feel of the Pedestrian Zone.
  • Wayfinding Program
    • Recommend a unified, clear, and concise program for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.  Create design guidelines for standardized signage.  Highlight connections to/from adjacent districts and key destinations in proximity to the BID.  Incorporate new and future landmarks, destinations, and pathways.  Create pilot program to test proposals.
  • Vending Program
    • Review and revise the program to become an amenity that contributes to the vitality of the public realm.  Identify new locations for expansion and new models and mechanisms for managing. Explore the use of mobile trucks, carts, kiosks, and permanent installations.  Determine other retail and services that complement local businesses for a unique shopping experience.  Create clusters to encourage people to visit.  Create pilot program to test proposals.
[caption id="attachment_8092" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Downtown Business Improvement District (BID)[/caption]  

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