Boston's Labor Market
Oct 02, 2012
Director Peter Meade and Connie Doty, Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of Jobs and Community Services, attended a conference hosted by the New England Public Policy Center and Commonwealth Corporation marking the release of the report,
Labor Market Trends in the Boston/Metro North Region.
According to the conference, "Skills Gap: Supply & Demand in the Boston/Metro North Economy," the Boston region has a young, educated workforce, with the largest share of young residents and workers. One in 3 Bostonians is between 20 and 34.
The City of Boston and Mayor Menino continue to work towards quality employment for all Bostonians. The City is investing in those struggling with the labor market to ensure they, too, benefit from Boston's economic successes. As human capital and talent are vital to a strong economy, the City has developed strategies to 1) increase occupational skills training and employment-focused adult literacy, 2) put young people back on track to complete high school, and 3) dramatically increase the college completion rate of Boston Public School graduates. Many of the funds for these programs come from downtown development linkage dollars, and all of these investments are producing strong results.