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Newly Released Publication: New Bostonians 2012

Oct 12, 2012

The BRA Research Division released its report profiling Boston's immigrants at the City of Boston's New Bostonians Summit. New Bostonians 2012 details:
  • Demographics - 27% of Bostonians were born outside the U.S., the 6th high proportion among the 25 largest cities in the U.S.  Forty-six percent of Boston children have at least one parent born outside the U.S.
  • Languages - Over 35% of Bostonians speak a language other than English at home.
  • Neighborhood Diversity - Half of East Boston's population was born outside of the U.S., a 22% increase in the last decade.
  • Economic Contributions and Labor Force - Immigrants own more than 8,800 small businesses in greater Boston, representing almost $3.7 billion in annual sales and employing nearly 18,500 people.
  • English Proficiency - The percentage of Boston residents lacking English proficiency has increased to 9.5% from 6% in 1990.
  • Educational Attainment - Nearly 1 out of 3 immigrants over 25 years of age has a bachelor's degree or higher.
  • Homeownership - Just over half of Boston's immigrant families are homeowners.
  • Citizenship -1 in 8 of Bostonians is a naturalized citizen, up from 1 in 14 in 1990.

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