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BRA Staff in the Community

Mar 06, 2013

Randi Lathrop, Director of Business Development, presented an overview of the rapidly changing vision and development of the South End to the 300 attendees of the NAIOP Massachusetts' program, Boston's South End: What's New and What's Next? A result of the Harrison/Albany Corridor Strategic Plan is the area's opportunity for growth.  With the rezoning, over 7 million more SF can be developed.  The plan requires a higher percentage of residential units be affordable.  With regard to commercial projects, the Plan requires either 5% of their allotted bonus square footage to an onsite, non-profit cultural entity or an onsite, startup business, or provide an equivalent value to a program or loan fund.  With the anticipated groundbreakings of the $145 million project, 275 Albany Street, and the $200 million project, Ink Block, 871 residential units will be under construction this year. [gallery columns="2" ids="10219,10221,10215,10214"]       Senior Architect and Urban Designer, David Grissino, offered critiques and insights on a Yale School of Architecture post-professional student project. The Yale students were asked to design concepts to identify new roles for the rail tracks leading to South Station, the site of the USPS warehouse, and the properties surrounding the Fort Point Channel south of Summer Street. Two students, Jay Tsai and Miron Nawratil, presented a plan to dam and drain the Fort Point Channel south of Summer Street in order to create a fully subterranean train station. Mr. Grissino's comments on the proposal are published on the SHIFTboston blog. [caption id="attachment_10180" align="aligncenter" width="346"]Jay Tsai and Miron Nawratil project proposal Jay Tsai and Miron Nawratil, Yale School of Architecture, project proposal[/caption]   Thumbnail courtesy of @REBostonPR

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