CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Chinatown Rezoning Process

About the Chinatown Rezoning Process

Zoning Reform staff is in the process of formulating new zoning amendments specifically tailored to the Chinatown neighborhood. As part of the varied section of Boston’s Downtown, Chinatown stands out as a unique blend of residential and commercial sectors. As one of the oldest Chinatowns in the country, Boston’s Chinatown is a resilient, innovative, and active place that serves a diverse array of users. Since the late 19th century, Chinatown has been a gateway for generations of immigrants and families, and the neighborhood continues to be a hub for housing, business and employment opportunities, education and resource sharing, and social and cultural connectivity. Chinatown has also been affected by a history of urban renewal, highway construction, the adult entertainment district, and more recently, concerns of displacement.

Recognizing this distinctive profile amidst the broader study area, staff concluded that zoning adjustments in Chinatown would require an independent and deliberate rezoning process. Thus, the purpose of the Chinatown Rezoning process is to work with community members to identify key neighborhood assets, such as housing, commercial development, and cultural spaces, which are necessary for the continued success of Chinatown, and establish zoning regulations for uses and dimensions that ensure the protection and promotion of such developments.

The Chinatown Rezoning Process is part of the larger PLAN: Downtown comprehensive strategy. Adopted in December 2023, PLAN: Downtown encompasses six distinct character neighborhoods: Downtown Crossing, Ladder Blocks, Theater District, Financial District, Wharf District, and Chinatown. PLAN: Downtown encompasses several key goals, including: fostering mixed-use growth and supporting small businesses, creating additional housing opportunities through office-to-residential conversions, enhancing mobility and the public realm, ensuring historic and cultural preservation, and bolstering climate change preparedness and sustainability.

Chinatown Rezoning Study Area Map

Planning staff prepared the following map depicting the Chinatown Rezoning study area in response to requests from community members throughout the engagement process.

Map depicting the Chinatown Rezoning study area

How to Get Involved in the Process

Survey Responses

Chinatown Rezoning: Responses to the “Chinatown Rezoning Survey and Public Feedback Form//唐人街重新分区调查和公众意见反馈表” received between 3/15/24 to 4/30/24

English | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese

Per the request of community members, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) is sharing this compiled list of responses from the Chinatown Rezoning survey. These responses are from 3/15/24 to 4/30/24, and represent the second half of responses that have been published. The responses have been translated into Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and English.

Chinatown Rezoning: Responses to the “Chinatown Rezoning Survey and Public Feedback Form//唐人街重新分区调查和公众意见反馈表” received between 2/7/24 to 3/14/24 

English | Simplified Chinese | Traditional Chinese

Per the request of community members, staff are sharing this compiled list of responses from the Chinatown Rezoning survey to provide insight into what has been since the start of the rezoning process, February 7, 2024, up to March 14, 2024.

The responses have been translated into Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and English. Please note that this is the initial batch of responses, and we intend to publish the next series of responses in the coming month. 

Sign Up to Receive the Latest News

Stay up to date about the Chinatown Rezoning process by signing up on our Get Involved page. Make sure to select “Chinatown” under “I want information emailed to me on” > “Neighborhoods.”

Public Engagement

Past Meetings & Events

Chinatown Rezoning: Update Meeting & Workshop
Thursday, April 18, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

During this event, community members connected with neighbors, learned about what we’ve heard thus far from the Chinatown Rezoning engagement process, participated in workshop activities, and provided feedback.

Presentation | 演示 (中文) | 示範 (中文)

Chinatown Rezoning Kickoff Meeting
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

At this meeting, community members learned about the goals of the Chinatown Rezoning process, the timeline, and how to provide input in the rezoning process.

Presentation | 演示 (中文)