In July, 2022 the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA), in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Greenway Conservancy, completed the construction of the North Meadow on the Greenway, completing what was formerly known as the Central Artery Parcel 2 Park Design Process. The North Meadow on the Greenway is a 5,000 square-foot park located between the Bulfinch Triangle and the North End and bordered by North Washington Street, Anthony “Rip” Valenti Way, and Beverly Street. The BPDA led an eight-month design process that culminated in the construction of a new park. It is the northernmost terminus to the Rose Kennedy Greenway park network.

North Meadow on the Greenway Groundbreaking. Image courtesy of the Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy
The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy managed the construction process and will operate the park. For questions or concerns about the park, please contact the Conservancy at 617-292-0020 or [email protected].

Project Team
The project was led by the BPDA through a tripartite process as laid out in the Central Artery/Tunnel ("CA/T") Project. The tripartite group included the following:
- The Boston Planning & Development Agency
- The Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Local community: North End, Bulfinch Triangle, West End, and Government Center Community Members, the Greenway Business Improvement District, and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy.
Past Events
Agenda | Presentation (pdf) | Meeting Recording | Notes | Flyer
The BPDA, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the Greenway Conservancy, invited community members to the fifth public meeting for the Parcel 2 Park Design process. Through four previous community meetings, the design team finalized the Parcel 2 Park design in 2020. Construction of the Parcel 2 Park began in late-Spring of 2021. This meeting aimed to provide community members with an overview of the construction process and schedule. The team was also available to answer questions and hear concerns about the construction process.
Agenda | Presentation | Preferred Design Boards | Feedback
The project team provided an overview of the feedback collected during the third public meeting and the Concept Designs Online Survey. This feedback guided the selection and further progression of one preferred park design scheme. The presentation focused on the progression of a single scheme.
Presentation | Site Analysis & Design Concept Boards | Feedback
The project team presented three design options based on feedback received during meeting 2. This meeting aimed to narrow down to one preferred design direction.
Handout | Presentation | Site Analysis Boards | Feedback
The project team returned to provide a recap of the August meeting. Community members participated in an open house intended to narrow down the programming options for the site.
Agenda | Presentation | Feedback | Notes
Participants learn more about the design process, shared ideas, and discovered how to participate in shaping the park design.