CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

Research Publications

Population & Demographic

Boston's Shifting Demographics

This presentation provides statistics showing historical trends that shaped the present population of Boston. Presentation sections include population growth, diversity, educational attainment, age distribution, and changing families.


Most Recent

Boston's Latino Population

Boston has the largest Latino population in Massachusetts. It grew to nearly 124,000 in 2013, up from just under 109,000 in 2010. This represents nearly 16 percent of Massachusetts’ total Latino population and about 19 percent of the city’s total population.

Trends in Poverty and Inequality

The BRA Research Division prepared this presentation for the Boston Citywide Plan to provide a factual basis to understand 1) historical trends that have shaped poverty and inequality in Boston, 2) the extent of poverty and inequality in Boston today, and 3) specific populations that are disproportionately affected by poverty and inequality.

Boston's Shifting Demographics

This presentation provides statistics showing historical trends that shaped the present population of Boston. Presentation sections include population growth, diversity, educational attainment, age distribution, and changing families.

Boston City Council Districts: Part 2

This report presents additional demographic statistics for the Boston City Council Districts from the 2009-2013 American Community Survey.

Boston City Council Districts

This report presents demographic statistics for the Boston City Council Districts from the 2009-2013 American Community Survey.

Retaining Recent College Graduates in Boston: Is There a Brain Drain?

This report was produced by the BRA Research DIvision in collaboration with the UMass Donahue Institute and attempts to reframe a long-running debate about the Boston metro area's ability to retain the college and university graduates it produces annually.

Characteristics of Boston and Its Neighborhoods

On October 14, 2014, Alvaro Lima, Director of Research at the BRA, presented information on the characteristics of Boston and its neighborhoods to a group from Boston Education Funders. The presentation discusses recent demographic changes in Boston and highlights the 0-24 population.

Women in Boston

This document was created to contribute to and inform the work of the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement. It provides a demographic overview of women in the city, and includes details on age, race, ethnicity, nativity, educational attainment, labor force characteristics, and more. It also includes information on three key issue areas for women in Boston: poverty, the pay gap between men and women, and female-owned businesses. 

Unemployment in Boston - 2014 (revised)

This report is a profile on Boston's unemployed population. It includes 2008-2012 and 2012 American Community Survey data by neighborhood, race, age, sex, nativity, and more. This report was revised to use the boundaries for the West End and Downtown that went into effect in 2014. See the original report using the previous boundaries


Poverty in Boston - 2014 (revised)

This report is a demographic profile on those living in poverty in Boston. It includes 2008-2012 and 2012 American Community Survey data by age, race, neighborhood, sex, educational attainment, nativity and more. This report was revised to use the boundaries for the West End and Downtown that went into effect in 2014. See the original report using the previous boundaries