*This workshop will be hosted virtually on Zoom. You can register by visiting this link or typing into your web browser. Registration is required.*
This PLAN: Mattapan workshop will share our findings from and expand on our February “The Future of Mattapan’s Corridors” workshop. At the February workshop, we explored the relationship between development and community assets along Mattapan’s corridors. At this meeting we will discuss what we’ve learned and will ask attendees where the solutions they provided earlier would fit best in Mattapan.
The purpose of this meeting is to:
Share and confirm our findings from our February workshop with the community
Further the development of urban design guidelines and zoning for Mattapan’s corridors
Report back on the Mattapan COVID-19 Survey
We will incorporate recommendations from other City and State Agencies that are also conducting and implementing various planning efforts in and across Mattapan. We encourage attendees to revisit the toolkits produced for previous workshops that include a brief overview of Article 60 (Mattapan’s zoning code) and Article 80 Project Review which can be found on our website.
PLAN: Mattapan is a planning initiative facilitated by the Boston Planning & Development Agency in collaboration with other City departments. Translated materials and interpretation services will be provided in Haitian Creole and Spanish.