CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

Boston Economic Vital Signs

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

May 21 2024 Publication Date

A monthly economic snapshot highlighting key data on Boston's economy, including macroeconomic indicators, local demand, and mobility.

May 2024
April 2024

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Unpacking Boston's FY2023 NIH Funding

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

May 16 2024 Publication Date

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the NIH funding sent to Boston researchers in fiscal year 2023, demonstrating the City's significant role as a leader in medical research. It explores how Boston's renowned hospitals, top universities, and thriving life sciences industry lead the nation in NIH funding, driving groundbreaking advancements in science and medicine, and solidifying the City's reputation as a global hub of innovation in the biomedical field.

Topics: Industry Profiles
Business Establishments in Boston: Detailed Industry Trends

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Nov 27 2023 Publication Date

This presentation explores detailed industry trends in Boston's business establishments, tracking numbers of employer and non-employer businesses in particular sectors over time by size and neighborhood while also analyzing broader shifts in business dynamics coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Business Establishments in Boston: Citywide Trends

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Nov 27 2023 Publication Date

This presentation explores citywide trends in business establishments in Boston, providing some pre-pandemic background on business dynamics by firm age and size and giving an overview of the effects of COVID-19 on businesses by neighborhood, size, and industry.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Boston's Economy 2023

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

May 12 2023 Publication Date

Boston's Economy 2023 covers trends in employment, wages, housing prices, and real estate.

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Transportation in Boston

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Dec 10 2020 Publication Date

The Transportation in Boston report identifies sources for transportation data by mode, and documents major trends in active transportation, public transportation, automobile travel, and freight. It covers ridership and utilization, costs and investments, and future developments. This report serves as a pre-COVID-19 baseline for analysis going forward.

Topics: Industry Profiles
Trends in Boston Business Establishments and Payroll Employment

N/A Neighborhoods

May 10 2018 Publication Date

This presentation looks at trends over the past 15 years in Boston business establishments and payroll employment. The analysis looks at trends in business services, education, health care and social assistance, consumer services, and production and transportation industries.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market
High Tech Industries in Boston 2015

N/A Neighborhoods

Dec 17 2015 Publication Date

High Tech in Boston is booming! Boston is home to a strong high tech sector that has grown nine percent per year since 2010. Boston is particularly strong in computer systems design and scientific research and development.

Topics: Industry Profiles
Boston's Economy - 2015

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 19 2015 Publication Date

Boston's economy has grown steadily since the end of the Great Recession in mid-2009, outperforming both Massachusetts and the nation with annual job growth of 2.0 percent between 2010 and 2014. This report describes Boston's economy in terms of jobs, unemployment, wages, key industries, and real estate.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Boston's Growing Economy

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 16 2015 Publication Date

This presentation provides statistics showing historical trends that shaped the economy of Boston. Presentation sections include A Growing Economy, Strong Core Industries, A Vibrant Labor Market (Jobs in Boston), A Productive Resident Labor Force, and A Booming Real Estate Market.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development