CityOfBoston Official An official website of the City of Boston

This is the website for the City of Boston’s new Planning Department, which launched on July 1. The staff and many responsibilities of the Boston Planning & Development Agency have moved to the Planning Department of the City of Boston including planning & zoning, urban design, development review, and real estate divisions. Please excuse any misalignment you may see on our site as we transition to the City. Learn more

Research Publications

Explore the Research Division publications below by keyword, neighborhood, or topic. If you have questions about these documents or are looking for specific information, please review the Frequently Requested Information page. This page features publications covering the most requested economic and demographic data for Boston.

ACS 2007-2011 Estimate - West Roxbury

West Roxbury Neighborhoods

May 01 2013 Publication Date

The ACS is an annual survey conducted by the US Census Bureau using a sample of the total population to create estimates. The Research Division created a series of profiles containing containing demographic, economic, and housing characteristics of Boston's planning districts and neighborhoods. This report is a profile of West Roxbury.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Language, Race
ACS 2007-2011 Estimate - West End

West End Neighborhoods

May 01 2013 Publication Date

The ACS is an annual survey conducted by the US Census Bureau using a sample of the total population to create estimates. The Research Division created a series of profiles containing containing demographic, economic, and housing characteristics of Boston's planning districts and neighborhoods. This report is a profile of the West End and has been revised to use the boundaries for the West End and Downtown that went into effect in 2014. See the revised report using the new boundaries

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Language, Race
The Leader in National Institutes of Health Awards for 18 years

N/A Neighborhoods

Apr 23 2013 Publication Date

In 2012, Boston once again received the most NIH funding of all U.S. cities, with a total of over $1.78 billion. In conjunction with the BRA’s LifeTech initiative, this report highlights the NIH funding awarded to Boston's hospitals, universities, research institutions, health organizations and private companies.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market
Boston In Context: Neighborhoods - 2012

All Neighborhoods Neighborhoods

Mar 28 2013 Publication Date

This publication compares Boston and its neighborhoods to the U.S. and Massachusetts on several demographic, economic, and housing characteristics. This report uses a combination of 2010 Census data and 2006-2010 American Community Survey data.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Language, Race
Boston In Context - Planning Districts

N/A Neighborhoods

Mar 28 2013 Publication Date

This publication compares Boston and its Neighborhoods to the U.S. and Massachusetts on several demographic, economic, and housing characteristics. This report uses a combination of 2010 Census data and 2006-2010 American Community Survey data.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Gender, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Language, Planning Districts, Race
Economy Report 2013

N/A Neighborhoods

Jan 01 2013 Publication Date

This report discusses current demographic and economic trends in the city of Boston. In terms of demographics, this report shows that over the last decade Boston’s population has grown, became more racially and ethnically diverse, increased its share of young adults, and became more educated. As for the economy, Boston appears to have successfully weathered the storm of the most recent recession. The city has experienced strong job growth over the last year, decreased unemployment, and recent building permit data indicates a very active local real estate and construction market. Lastly, industry employment projections for the region suggest that Boston’s economy is poised to continue growing in the coming years.

Topics: Income & Poverty, Industry Profiles, Labor Market, Real Estate & Development
Boston by the Numbers: Families - 2012

N/A Neighborhoods

Nov 01 2012 Publication Date

Boston by the Numbers is a series created by the Research Division that highlights the characteristics of Boston's population and economy.

Topics: Age, Foreign-born, Households & Families, Income & Poverty
New Bostonians 2012

N/A Neighborhoods

Oct 01 2012 Publication Date

New Bostonians 2012 is our latest overview of the foreign-born population in Boston. This report provides a demographic and economic snapshot of Boston's foreign-born population. This recent update contains new data and calculations using the most recent American Community Survey, a yearly survey by the U.S. Census Bureau to allow communities to see how they are changing in the years between decennial censuses.

Topics: Age, Education, Foreign-born, Households & Families, Income & Poverty, Language, Race
Wholesale Trade Industry

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 01 2012 Publication Date

Check out our new series on the largest industries in the City of Boston, that contains facts including employment, major employers, education, and more.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market
Transportation and Warehousing Industry

N/A Neighborhoods

Jul 01 2012 Publication Date

Check out our new series on the largest industries in the City of Boston, that contains facts including employment, major employers, education, and more.

Topics: Industry Profiles, Labor Market